Broadband – Gilat Satellite Networks Gilat Satellite Networks Tue, 09 Jan 2024 15:03:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Inclusion Tue, 27 Jun 2023 08:25:14 +0000 Social inclusion refers to the process of ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, identities, or abilities, have equal opportunities to participate fully in society. It involves creating inclusive policies, practices, and environments that enable individuals to access education, employment, healthcare, and other essential services without discrimination. By fostering a society that celebrates diversity and actively works to remove barriers, social inclusion enhances social cohesion, strengthens communities, and contributes to a more equitable and just world for all.

Social Inclusion is at the heart of Gilat’s Vision; “We believe in the right of all people to be connected.”

Satellite communications play a crucial role in achieving social inclusion by bridging the digital divide and expanding connectivity to remote and underserved areas. There are numerous ways in which satellite communications contribute to social inclusion, including: Internet Access, Telemedicine, Education, Government and Emergency Response, and more. 

Gilat is proud of our efforts to expand social inclusion around the world:

  • In Peru Gilat is dedicated to supporting telecom and technology projects for the Peruvian Government as well as multiple Telecommunications Service Providers and working closely with the Ministry of Education. These projects are significant in closing the digital gap in rural areas of Peru, enabling a wide range of technology integration capabilities including e-learning and early warning systems for emergency and natural disasters.
  • NBN Co builds and operates Australia’s wholesale local access broadband network with the purpose to connect Australia and bridge the digital divide. Gilat and NBN Co have a long history of working together to ensure all Australians have access to fast broadband as soon as possible, at affordable prices, and at lower cost.
  • Throughout Mexico and Latin America, Gilat has been working for decades with service providers and governments to connect tens of thousands of schools in remote areas that have no access to even basic internet service.

By leveraging satellite communications, societies can overcome geographic barriers, extend digital connectivity, and ensure that marginalized and remote communities have equal opportunities to participate in the digital age, contributing to their social inclusion and overall development.

Education Fri, 16 Dec 2016 13:51:10 +0000 Education has always been about access to knowledge. It used to come mainly from books and teachers; today this is no longer the case. Technology is revolutionizing the way we learn – from pre-schools to universities. E-learning (aka distance learning) and access to pedagogical content knowledge can potentially level the playing field among students regardless of their socio-economic status or geographical location.

However, in order to enjoy these benefits, schools and students need access to the Internet. This is particularly difficult in developing countries and rural areas where the majority of people still aren’t connected. Satellite communications is the technology that can bring broadband connectivity to every school in every village at an affordable price.

Gilat’s easy-to-deploy e-learning solution allows rural communities to experience the same level of education and services offered in urban centers. Our end-to-end solution includes state-of-the-art VSAT hubs and terminals that deliver broadband services such as live streaming of lectures, videoconferencing, real-time collaboration among students and teachers, and broadband access to knowledge centers.

Our solution is currently being used to enable tens of thousands of schools and millions of students around the world to access e-learning applications, online libraries and educational material. It is proven to deliver fast, reliable broadband connectivity to remote areas lacking terrestrial infrastructure.

Top reasons for choosing Gilat’s Education solution:

  • Cost-effective, simple deployment where terrestrial infrastructure does not exist
  • Satellite connectivity can be delivered wherever the school or training center is located
  • Improves the efficiency and lowers the cost of delivering courses remotely
  • High performance and low latency for an outstanding user experience
Consumer & SME Tue, 27 Jul 2021 12:45:41 +0000 About half of the world’s population still isn’t connected to the Internet, and the vast majority of those people live in developing countries and rural areas. Bringing affordable Internet access to unconnected communities in developing countries is fraught with opportunities as well as challenges. To deal with this vital global need, innovative solutions are required that address the lack of infrastructure, topological barriers, exorbitant costs and the need for fast deployment.

Broadband access solutions based on High Throughput Satellites (HTS) and Very High Throughput Satellites (VHTS) are well-equipped to meet these challenges. HTS and now VHTS have exponentially increased the supply of bandwidth worldwide, making it a more affordable alternative for consumer and SME broadband connectivity.

Gilat leverages the power of HTS to offer consumers and small-medium businesses an affordable and easy-to-use solution for broadband services such as high-speed data, voice and Internet access. Fast and easy to deploy, Gilat’s consumer and SME broadband solution provides performance equal to that of a terrestrial solution.

Catered specifically to the consumer and SME markets, our VSATs are designed for self-installation and can be connected to any standard WiFi home router. Patented multi-tiered acceleration ensures very fast download speeds. A comprehensive and flexible ISP management platform supports advanced usage-based service plans, data quota management, automatic service activation and provisioning, and can be integrated with existing post-paid or prepaid billing systems.

Top reasons for choosing Gilat’s Broadband Access solution:

  • Cost-effective deployment where terrestrial infrastructure does not exist
  • Rapid time-to-market for rural and other untapped markets
  • Simple setup and self-installation as required for home or SME use
  • Remote ISP management capabilities for monitoring, service creation, usage records and site statistics
Government & Emergency Response Tue, 27 Jun 2023 08:24:00 +0000 Satellite communication plays a vital role in government and emergency operations, offering reliable and resilient communication capabilities for emergency response, business continuity and backup services.

Gilat is a leading global provider of satellite communication solutions, including those specifically designed for emergency situations. With deployments around the world, Gilat’s emergency solutions have consistently delivered exceptional performance and reliability. Key attributes of Gilat’s emergency solutions include:

  • High availability
  • Reliable & resilient service
  • Quick & easy deployment anywhere

Many Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) who use Gilat’s cellular backhaul over satellite (CBH) to extend networks to remote locations also use Gilat’s CBH for emergency situations when terrestrial networks fail. From Japan to the UK to the United States, Tier-1 MNOs such as Softbank, KDDI, Globe Telecom, T-Mobile and EE/British Telecom are relying on Gilat when the unexpected happens.

Gilat provides a full range of solutions including Emergency Communication, Remote Monitoring and Surveillance, Border Security, Connectivity in Rural and Remote Areas and Disaster Management and Recovery.  One of the frequently used solutions is Cell on Wheels (COW), a portable base station used to provide temporary cellular network coverage for high-profile events and emergency situations where existing base stations become damaged, or during natural disasters such as bushfires and floods. It includes a cellular antenna, transceiver device, battery, and other necessary equipment required to provide a stable wireless mobile network as needed, mounted over vehicles such as trucks or trailers, making the entire setup portable.  

Gilat can also provide emergency response services over the internet.  LASCOM in Japan is chartered with providing connectivity in case of emergency to all prefectures in Japan. They are using Gilat’s platform and VSATs to provide very high throughput, quality and resilience so that an array of services can be reliably delivered to prefectural and local governments, individuals, and first responders. This includes voice services, video feeds from disaster sites, video multicasts to local sites, emergency alerts, mobility services, and data services.

Overall, satellite communication empowers governments to establish robust communication networks, strengthen emergency response capabilities, ensure public safety, and enable efficient governance in both routine and crisis situations. It enables effective command and control, timely dissemination of alerts and warnings, situational awareness, search and rescue operations and backup communication, ultimately contributing to more efficient and coordinated emergency responses.

Satellite to Home Connectivity Thu, 02 Feb 2017 14:33:53 +0000