Defense & Government – Gilat Satellite Networks Gilat Satellite Networks Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:18:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Military Satellite Networks Fri, 16 Dec 2016 11:17:34 +0000 Wartime and tactical missions often take defense forces into unfamiliar territory crawling with unpredictable and unknown threats. Access to real-time intelligence on the ground – where and when your troops need it – can make all the difference between a successful and an aborted mission.

Combat troops need fast, reliable and secure communications in areas beyond the bounds of traditional fixed and wireless networks. Satellite communications in general and Satellite-on-the-Move (SOTM) communications is a game-changer for today’s modern defense organizations, enabling soldiers and homeland security personnel to gain instant access to critical information while staying in touch with command headquarters.

Gilat offers rugged, MIL-SPEC design, quick-to-deploy fixed and SOTM solutions that can be carried in a backpack or mounted on a vehicle. Our field-proven solutions consist of fully integrated VSAT systems that ensure seamless connectivity in any field condition for both on-the-move and on-the-pause missions. These high-performance VSATs support voice and data communications, military C4I and border patrol activities with full interoperability among land, sea and airborne forces, drastically reducing the time between decision, implementation and evaluation.

Top reasons for choosing Gilat’s Military Satellite Networks Solutions:

  • Ruggedized, lightweight, fast-to-deploy
  • Manages encrypted Internet, VoIP and provides connectivity for mobile systems in the air, land and sea
  • Compatible for any land, sea or air Military or Government application
  • Allows satellite resource optimization on Military networks
Gilat Infographic – Defense SATCOM Solutions Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:18:18 +0000 Satcom On The Move Wed, 04 Jan 2017 11:41:36 +0000 For many defense and security applications, Satcom On-The-Move (SOTM) is the only choice for reliable, continuous, quickly deployable broadband communications.

SOTM provides a significant communications advantage for Military and Government applications, such as military C4I on-the-move, homeland and national security applications, as well as wide-scale backup communications for rescue services and emergency responders.

Our rugged, MIL-SPEC design, quick-to-deploy SOTM solutions are field-proven and ensure seamless connectivity in any field condition for on-the-move missions, with full interoperability among land, sea and airborne forces which drastically reduces the time between decision, implementation and evaluation.

Gilat’s Mobility Solutions for Military and Government include:

  • Compact, aerodynamic, low-profile antenna systems for land vehicles and aircraft with always-on, two-way broadband for Ku-, Ka-, and X-band on-the-move and on-the-pause communication.
  • A manpack terminal for civilian and military operations that delivers high-speed data, video and voice services under the toughest environmental and battle conditions.
  • High-throughput SATCOM terminals for unmanned airborne missions (UAS) designed to provide the uninterrupted broadband connectivity needed on long-endurance Beyond Line-of-Sight (BLoS) missions.
  • High-throughput satellite modems to support a wide range of IP-based voice, video and data services.


Top reasons for choosing Gilat’s Satcom on the Move solutions:

  • Ruggedized, lightweight, fast-to-deploy
  • Manages encrypted Internet, VoIP and provides connectivity for mobile systems in the air, land and sea
  • Compatible for any land, sea or air Military or Government application
Emergency Response & Public Safety Fri, 16 Dec 2016 13:51:18 +0000 In crisis situations – from terrorist bombings to tsunamis and massive forest fires – lives depend on fast emergency response. First responders need effective real-time communications for making critical high-pressure decisions in the toughest imaginable circumstances. When disasters strike, the last thing responders can depend on is the availability of the existing communications infrastructure.

First responders, such as firefighters, police and rescue services, count on Gilat’s Satcom-on-the-Move (SOTM) solutions to manage emergency response and public safety efforts in the most challenging environments. Our highly resilient and quick-to-deploy solutions provide fast and reliable broadband connectivity in cases where existing infrastructure collapses or in remote areas beyond the reach of terrestrial networks.

Our SOTM solutions are designed for fast setup and do not require technical training. Compact, low-profile antennas installed on emergency vehicles can provide first responders broadband connectivity even before they reach the emergency site. Response teams gain access to always-on, real-time video streaming, voice and high-speed data communications that help them do the important work of saving lives.

Top reasons for choosing Gilat’s Emergency Response & Public Safety solution:

  • Satellite-based broadband connectivity independent from the vulnerable terrestrial infrastructure
  • Fast setup time lets first responders hit the ground running
  • Reliable, high speed broadband connectivity for mission-critical emergency activities
Gilat Infographic – Defense & Government Systems Tue, 19 Sep 2023 11:27:23 +0000 Next Generation Military and Government Sun, 30 Oct 2022 09:29:54 +0000 SkyEdge IV System for Military and Government Sun, 30 Oct 2022 09:28:19 +0000 Gilat: Combat-Proven Defense Solutions Mon, 21 Feb 2022 07:52:40 +0000